“ The standing stone observes, grounded in its deep stillness as the wild winds circle, taunt and dance, push and pull…It knows itself, embraced within itself, yet strengthened by its ethereal friend ; The Wind…come play whispers the wind, I know I can be the storm, yet I am also the beyond, the enormity of your enchantment, the freeing of your earthliness. May we unify in our seeming opposites, may we be the enlightened force of infinite wisdom, the oneness of two…”


Wholeness // Peace // Liberation // Goodness

The Wisdom in the Wind is the culmination of many years of searching for my own own inner peace, and a knowing that when i had found the pure constant in the path of endless reseraching and embodying i would then endeavour to impart the wisdom in the most simple equation for others.

To be at this point, i have explored the mental and the embodied strategies both ancient and modern, reflecting and feeling into them as the subjective and the objective and repeatedly asking ”what is the constant here, what is the truth?”


I knew the search was at its end and yet the search had been profoundly necessary…the end had returned me to my infinite beginning where I had realised that for deep peace we must live from our wholeness and in being a human we need to know and recognise this completeness within ourselves, to identify with this, the inherent deep sense of stability as well as our deep sense of freedom - spirit and matter unified.

So how do we embody more of this unified self?

I offer the two foundational supports of understanding that ground in this constant dance of our true whole self, The Standing Stone and The Ethereal Wind to enrich our wholeness.


Our own inner peace, strength and joy is where we thrive for ourselves and for each other…

£11 for content and a private message of support (tarot/oracle)

Click here to purchase! I will be in touch with your password and message…

With thanks,

Sarah x

“When I first met Sarah in 2022 in the field of embodiment work, I was immediately drawn to her because of her innate ability to read between the lines and get to the essence of the matter. I love her enquiring attitude - it’s a true gem and one of her superpowers! Her dedication to consistently return to a peaceful balance and living in alignment is inspiring and I often leave conversations with a deep energetic shift towards more freedom, clarity and peace. Her presence feels trusting and welcoming and I deeply appreciate Sarah’s authenticity and integrity which makes it easy for me to feel safe and open up - connecting with her leaves me with a pure sense of serene gratitude…”

Frederike, Germany