A Bit About Me.

Virgo Sun. Gemini Moon. Cancer Rising.

Not that I particularly want to identify myself as anything!…but in this human world it creates some understanding of the character we form and as a child I was fascinated by the skies above, the mystery that there was a world beyond this human, tangible existence. Somewhere where I could escape to, befreind and one day learn about in a much more human way!

I grew up in the countryside, loving the freedom and space and yet at the same time I became very aware of space being a lonely place too. The child beginning to understand too much, perceptions heightened of the ‘good’, the ‘bad’, the ‘fearful’, the ‘safe’.

The foundation of stability a little rocked and the awareness of this world not being so charming, so freeing and full of good feeling, I began to shrink from my true expression. Life felt overwhelming. Of course, all perceptions are through experience and our own energetic frequency but those younger years hold great weight in our understanding of who we perceive we are, what gets reflected back to us and the choices we make beyond those naive years.

The reference point. The identity formed and seemingly unchangeable!


I pursued a life in the arts for many, many years. So many ideas, the love of creating and seeing a tangible result was incredibly satisfying but I began to feel there was a greater mission! I felt my own need for finding a greater peace within me and so I ventured deeply into healing work and self-development and hey presto!…N O U R I S H was born.

My work here is not textbook, everything is considered and embodied before I write anything.

I believe in a greater human race, a greater relational human race where we understand ourselves better, to create a more harmonious world. We might keep advanvcing in science but we must advance in ‘relationship’ to self and other in order to create a real change for the generations beyond us.

What world would you love to live in? What would it feel like? Do you create that in the everyday, in the relationship to self and other?

I hope to serve you well with the wisdom within the Community of Wisdom and for supporting artists in The Objective.

With good wishes,

Sarah x